After watching the Ides of March in 2011 (, a political thriller directed by Academy Award winner George Clooney, in which an idealistic aide is given a crash course in dirty politics, and given the upcoming elections in November, I wanted to see a movie that makes fun of the dirty politicking that goes on in a campaign year.
I must say that I was pleasantly surprised by the movie, with Ferell and Galifiankis driving the laughs. The story-line is such: Four-time Congressman Camden (Ferell) is seeking a fifth term in Congress when a local homebody Huggins (Galifiankis), handpicked by industrialists with an ulterior motive and backed by their money, stands to oppose him on the Republican ticket. As a seasoned veteran, Ferell's character pulls out all the stops, and when the Huggins camp retaliates, what ensues is a comedy of errors that will keep you laughing. A must see for all comedy lovers, though the content, at times, is a bit racy and the language for mature ears.
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